Thursday, July 23, 2009

Bath time!

Otto is really enjoying bathtime these days... since his umbilical cord fell off and he's able to sit in warm water, he loves it. The other day I took him out of the bathtub, set him on his cute towel, and he started wimpering. I opened his towel to hurry and put lotion on him. He then started urinating and I immediately put the towel back over him. What else could I expect from a naked little boy? :) It's actually the second time he's done that... I wonder what that means.

He's so cute!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Little Otto

Becoming a mother is an interesting, challenging, and rewarding gift. I'm sure Eric has felt the same about becoming a father. I intend to write more on this in the future, but for now, these few pictures from our hospital stay say quite a bit!

We've given in!

So, we've finally begun our blogging adventures! We hope to add many features and such, but are just starting afresh, so be patient! :)

Feel free to send us your blog addresses so we can add you to our friends and family!