Friday, July 15, 2011

Otto is 2!

Otto had his birthday in June and we decided that since we will be moving, we would do a friends birthday party to celebrate his happy day. We combined with 2 other June birthday boys in our court, which was a lot of fun and Jenni (the mom of the 2 other boys) was great to work with! Here are some pics...
The amazing Thomas pinata Jenni made!

The kids enjoying the pinata... none of them dove in after pulling the strings to open it, but instead just sat there admiring it or opening 1 piece of candy. It was hilarious.
One of the birthday boys - turning 3!

Otto, the birthday boy - turning 2!
The third birthday boy - turning 1!

The train cakes that Jenni made!
The rice krispie treat, fruit, and frosting dump truck that Eric made!
(Otto loves trucks!)
More fun pictures!(Otto's never really had a sense of what a "personal bubble" is, has he?)

Thanks buddies!

After the friend party, we got together with family members and celebrated with a BBQ and presents at Aunt BriAnn and Uncle Derek's house.
He was spoiled with MANY more gifts (which he adores, even still!) - thanks everyone.

The amazing "Otto's Trash Truck Service" cake that Sarah & Brian made!
He loved it! Thanks to everyone for coming and celebrating with Otto. He loves you all SO much!

Eric's Graduation

Thanks to everyone who supported Eric in his schooling and on his big day! It was fun to celebrate his accomplishments with you!

New Mormon Messages

There are some great new Mormon Messages on You Tube;
Let me know what you think!