Monday, October 12, 2009

Therapy with Donald

So, this was mid-September... Otto hates to be on his tummy sometimes and this was right after he had tummy time. Apparently Donald Duck isn't just a beloved Walt Disney character; he's also a very effective therapist. In all seriousness, Otto loves his Donald that Grandma & Grandpa Carter brought back from Disneyland for him!

Playing with Daddy

We love to bounce Otto and he loves it, too! Otto has begun laughing a lot more now - his most recent favorite is laughing at mommy dance. I knew I was rusty in my dancing, but really... is it that ridiculous? :)

TV + Otto

He's mesmerized sometimes! We'll have to make sure he watches good shows! :)

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Babysitters & such

Thank you to all you have babysat and continue to babysit Otto for us! We are hoping this will only continue for a short while longer, of course, but we wanted you to know we appreciate you!

The other day our neighbor, Abby, babysat Otto even though she has her two little ones to take care of. She was sweet enough to take a few pictures of him and they are so well done! All those who think she could earn money doing this, say aye! Aye!