So, I've decided to give a quick update of the things we've been up to since my last post;
- We've had plenty of large zucchini from our garden plot. We've also enjoyed tomatoes, jalapeno peppers, and bell peppers. Otto especially enjoys the tomatoes. mmmmmmmmmmmm
- Elder Bednar came to our LDS stake and gave us a special fireside - absolutely awesome - ask me about it sometime. :)
- Eric started his new semester and is doing research for a couple of professors. He's loving school, but it's super fast-paced this semester since most of his classes are 1/2 semester classes (a lot of info & projects packed into a little time).
- We moved back to our old apt since the contractor finished fixing our old balcony! Yay for not being in major transition anymore! As a result of our old building and another building opening back up, we're now busy as ever with our Resident Assistant stuff - orienting new residents and such. It's nice to see life in our buildings again.
- Jacquie ran the temple-to-temple 1/2-marathon that Alicia introduced her to!
- Eric and Jacquie saw Lion King on Broadway at the Capital Theatre - so awesome!
- Jacquie survived putting together and hosting the dinner for the RS Broadcast for our LDS stake ladies. No big catastrophes.
- Otto, then Jacquie got the flu... it's so sad to see an innocent baby/toddler throwing up and then look at you like, "What in the world was that?!!! And why did my body do that?!!! That hurt, mommy!" So sad, but we're surviving. Eric's sick now, so hopefully he recovers quickly and then we'll be done with it.
Soon I will post pictures of some of these events... I can't promise when, but hopefully it will be soon. Other things we have to look forward to this month;
- Eric finishing his 1/2 semester classes this week
- Fall break next week
- Halloween & get togethers with family/friends