Wednesday, July 21, 2010

First Birthday!

Otto celebrated his birthday in two parts...

the first included us moving on his actual birthday to a temporary apartment. (wahoo, right?) Our old apartment building needed some repairs so we had to move to another in the meantime (for 1-3 months, we're not really sure exactly). It just so happened we had to move on his birthday. Thank you to all who helped make the move smooth!
In our new apartment... Otto enjoyed bouncing on his mattress and yelling while crawling through the halls and in the bedrooms. The sound was so different. Other than having only one 45 minute nap the whole day, he was unphased by the move. Just another adventure to him!

We enjoyed his favorite pizza from the Pie Pizzeria; chicken bacon ranch. mmmmmmmmm... delish! Yes, we've given him pizza... he devours it!

By the end of the day, he was SO exhausted. This was the picture of him we took while we were shopping for his birthday party (around 9:30 at night).

Part two, included a celebration by going to Hogle Zoo (for his first time) with family. Such a blast!

Donating grandpa's dollar after the bird show. They have awesome bird shows, by the way!

I don't have enough pictures to represent the complete fun of the zoo - Otto loved pointing and grunting at everything. He was passed around from person to person quite a bit.
Opening presents at the lunch we had after the zoo... thanks for the fun gifts, everyone! He loves them!

We purchased two cakes.... one of watermelon (which he LOVES), and basketball cupcakes (which he loves playing with basketballs, soccer balls, baseballs, bouncy balls...)

The after party, party. :) Enjoying time with grandpa.
Thanks for coming everyone, we had a blast and really appreciated you coming! Otto was able to celebrate with great family!
(Sorry I didn't get a picture of everyone all together!)


  1. Holy snot, I can't believe he's one already! Happy Birthday, Otto! He's so adorable (o:

  2. Happy B-Day OTTO!!! Wow, that was only a year ago; it seems so much longer in some ways!!

    You look GREAT Jacquie! Being home with your little man seems to agree with you. :) I wonder why? :)
