Thursday, May 31, 2012

So much to say & so little time

Just as a warning, this post will not have pictures. There's too much to say & too little time (at the moment) and so here is just a quick update. Pictures will have to come later when I have more patience/time.

First off, Eric said he would post about this, but I just want to get it out there to brag about him. He was officially hired! YAY for ERIC! No more contract work (for the time being) and we can breathe a little knowing he has a job in the field he's wanted to work in since junior high (yeah... for real, since jr high - I don't know anyone else like him in that regard).

Second, the baby is a BOY! Otto's going to have a little buddy. :) Now to work on a name...sigh. Any suggestions? :) I've been feeling great this trimester, by the way.

Third, we've been having waaay too much fun lately. Aside from everyday fun we've been having there have been some pretty big things going on lately; Eric's mom graduated from her Master's program, Katie (my step-sister) got married (yahoo for them!), my extended family from Washington, Oregon, and California came into town for a reunion-type get together. Also, I've been babysitting a couple of gorgeous girls for the past 1-2 years, but that has come to a close so Otto and I have spent more time one-on-one, which I'm cherishing (although I know he misses his friends so much! In a way, I do, too).

Fourth, I've been learning a LOT this pregnancy about women's health. I'm sure I'll dedicate a post to that alone (watch out men or those of you who really don't want to know me all that well...). It's actually something I'm feeling more and more passionate about - we'll see if there's something in the future for me related to this. It'd be interesting. Basically, I am birthing using a midwife, a birthing center, I've seen a physical therapist, and am taking a hypnobirthing class in preparation for this baby (the birthing center actually requires it if you haven't had a natural birth previously). I'm learning A LOT. I WILL share more about this, don't you worry. :)

Last, Otto is growing up so fast! He will turn 3 years old mid-June and I can hardly believe it. Some things he loves are; camping, hiking, running, pretending (especially that he's camping or visiting a farm), exploring or going on "adventures", being a "hard worker" and helper, and friends. Also, he's still a major mama's boy, which I love (not gonna lie) - I'm kind of a sucker for him, too (I didn't cut my hair off just so he could continue stroking it... haha). He does LOVE playing with daddy, though & looks forward to him coming home from work each day- there's absolutely no replacement for a dad! More will come about him after his birthday, I'm sure. :) We love him so much and are so happy others love him so much, too!

There's much to look forward to this summer - I'll try to keep things updated!


  1. Hey Jacquie! Loved your post. That's exciting about the birthing stuff, especially since I can relate on feeling passionate about it. I think you went into it with a really good, grounded perspective. I'm excited for you guys and interested to know what you think about the hypnobirthing class. I just did the home study and wasn't all that crazy about it. But I hear really good things about the classes. Can't wait to see you guys in a couple months!

  2. Jacquie, my last baby was born at a birthing center. It was a fantastic experience. I don't regret it one tiny bit. I share your passion! Good luck. :)
